plant is the most miraculous natural fibre under the sun, with history dating
back to 8,000 years of existence. Cotton has multifarious uses, given its
comfort. It also provides thousands of useful products and supports millions of
jobs as it moves from field to fabric. Cotton fibre is the major cost driver in
the Nigerian Textile Industry contributing 69% in spinning, 75% in weaving and
57% in dying, printing and finishing. Cotton therefore offers an avenue for
raising incomes and improving livelihood in those areas in which poverty is
heavily concentrated. Cotton provides fiber for the textile mills, edible oil
for human consumption/ industrial uses, and the by-product for livestock feed.
plant is a technically complex crop to raise an appreciable yield. Cotton could
be of two types, upland (short/medium staples) and (lowland/long staples).
Cotton development started in Nigeria in 1903, and can be grown in 24 States
across the six geopolitical zones and the FCT. Cotton grows phonologically
between 5 and 8 months depending on types.
production involves two man day per hectare of land at a total production cost
of N74, 529.00. The average yield is however 1.2t/ha and the resulting price of
seed cotton sold at farm gate price is N114, 000.00find full details in the table below.
has a variety of uses. Seed cotton and its by-products are as follows
- Cotton Seed: Its products and investment in areas of Cake and Meal (usage as flour for bread, cake and crackers; feed for livestock and fertilizer); Crude oil (refined oil for salad, cooking oil, mayonnaise, salad dressing, margarine, packing oil-sardines); fords (soap making, glycerine (explosives, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics) and fatty acid
- Hulls have usages as feed for livestock, fertilizer-mulch & soil conditioner, bran, fibre and furfural;
- Linters –usages as pulp, (viscose, cellulose, etc), absorbent cotton, medical supplies, yarns and felt (mattresses, cushions, pads, automotive upholstery, etc)
- Upgrading and modernization of textile manufacturing industries.
- Production of cotton cloth bags for handling seed cotton and lint.
- Marketing of the harvested cotton produce through Market Corporation.
- Supply of roller grading machines for separating mature seed cotton from immature ones.
- Supply of cotton pickers and strippers for harvesting of seed cotton.
- Supply of saw and roller gins for ginning processors.
- Supply of High Volume Instruments (HVI) for digital instrumentation of cotton fiber.
If you want to go into cotton farm business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your cotton farm business without you seeking for a loan.
This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.
I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.
You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go into your cotton farm business.